Getting Along with an Important Person In Your Life

The Big Idea: Often the Person Who Drives You Crazy Has Something Important to Say That You Really Should Hear

Sadly, we know that many times when two people, each simply exercising their unique and often different personality based strengths can fall into misunderstanding and even conflict.  Both are sure they are right.  Each thinks the other is wrong.  All to often the result is a broken relationship.  The plain truth that in part both might be right.  The old adage that opposites attract is accurate as to the attraction phase of a relationship.  When it comes to the endurance phase, however, differences that if respected and appreciated can be the building blocks of strong, safe relationships.  Unfortunately, rather than gratitude for differing perspectives and opinions, rejection is the frequent response.

Sincere Commitment to the Following Principles will Help Two Individuals Learn How To:

  1. Respect and Appreciate and even Seek input from people who drive you crazy
  2. Deepen understanding and acceptance for a close colleague or significant other
  3. Form a Compatibility Partnership with an individual with different perspectives
  4. Understand that the most powerful unity is found in diversity
  5. Accept that Strong Devil’s Advocacy Makes for a stronger relationship

In this program each individual will use my proven Laisr Personality Assessment Tool to Identify their natural personality style.  In Developing Laisr, I’ve built on the work of two ancient physicians, Hippocrates and Galen as well as hundreds of others who have, as I have, followed them.  Most personality theorists agree that human behaviors can be categorized into four types Or as I call them, Drivers.

The Lasir Personality Assessment Tool Uses the following Driver Labels.

  1. Captain; Telling style:  Issuing directives, developing broad strategy, delegating tactics, taking risks, and setting goals to seize opportunity
  2. Promoter; Selling style:  Inspiring, promoting, encouraging with empathy, harmony and keeping it fun
  3. Organizer; Structured Style:  Organizing, developing policies and procedures, monitoring compliance, conserving resources, and resisting risk
  4. Perfecter; Honing Style:  Setting high quality standards, maintaining mission focus, going the “extra mile”

You will learn that all four perspectives, even those from your weakest areas are needed..  Consequently, you will learn how view that person who drives you crazy as the best possible Compatibility Partner

So What Do I Do Now?

You will need to arrange to take the Laiser test.  Also the person you want to understand better will need to take the test as well.  Dale Lind will prepare a comparison report and provide individual briefings before bringing the two of you together