Introducing the Laisr Personality Assessment Tool
Why You Should Consider Taking this Test
Laisr (Life Actions in Situational Responses) has grown out of my concern for workforce statistics, released in June of 2013 by the Gallop organization, that suggest that as many as 7 out of 10 members of the American Workforce toil in jobs that do not engage or inspire them. Earlier statistics, also published by Gallop, indicate that only 2 out of 10 in the workforce feel they get to use their best talents regularly on the job.
Laisr has been specifically developed to address this wide spread problem. Not only does it identify individual personality preferences and potential. It highlights natural strengths and weakness. But best of all, it analyzes 15 different types of job duties, common to most jobs, and identifies which types of duties the individual is naturally most suited for and which areas where training is expected to be effective. Most importantly, however, Laisr clearly delineates which types of duties fall so far outside the range of the natural talent base that the individual would have little chance of significant success without overwhelming stress and major drains on energy.
Introduction to the Laisr
A cardinal principal of learning that we heartily subscribe to is this: All true learning is a personal discovery of meaning. This means that information is just that, information until you, the learner, internalize it. Any instructor can tell you something, assert and prove that it is true, but until you personally understand and accept it as fact, you will not believe it or practice it even if you say you do and will. With that thought in mind, we designed the following exercises to lead you to a personal discovery of your natural personality along with its strengths, and yes, its weaknesses. We could have taken the fast and simple route that many if not most personality identification systems take, let you take a test and then tell you what it means. But we didn’t. We didn’t because we think the results will be more accurate and beneficial to you if you follow our lead and make the discoveries for yourself. Therefore, welcome to the world of personal discovery. Your honest appraisal of yourself will go a long way to helping grow, both professionally and personally.
While it is true that we produce several tables that indicate probable strengths, weaknesses and talents, we list them only as possibilities based on how you have chosen to describe yourself using the media of our test. Only you and those who know you well can determine how accurate our findings are.
Our lives are complex and each day we encounter many and varied situations. Seldom do two people respond exactly the same way to a given situation. We are all different.
The following survey was designed to help you understand how individuals respond uniquely to life situations. Please keep in mind, as you complete the survey, that since it is about your impression of the way you respond to things, there are no right or wrong answers. Just do your best to describe this yourself as you believe you really are.
Will Taking the Lasir Benefit You?
The answer is yes if any or all of the following applies to you.
You Would Like to Know How to:
- Maximize your success potential
- Improve your relationships
- Control the tendencies that cause you trouble
- Spend more of your time doing what you enjoy
- Get out of any ruts you might feel trapped in
If any of those fit you, taking the Lasir can help you.
There is a $250 cost but that includes
- A detailed personality analysis
- A one hour coaching/debriefing session with Dale Lind
- A full refund if you feel the results are in no way helpful
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