Personality Based Talent Discovery

In a career spanning more than four decades, I’ve never met anyone who set out to fail. In fact, virtually everyone has wanted to succeed. Implanted deep within our DNA is at least a latent desire and ability to be a superstar at something. Sadly, many if not most people never really discover what that superstar something is. But it is there.  My Laisr Test is the result of more than thirty years in development.  Thousands of people, just like you, used it to discover natural talent propensities they often didn’t know they had.

$250 to process the Laisr and provide validation Feedback

Customer Service Worthy of Praise

Service providers don’t get to define quality. The customer does. Service providers need customer loyalty to survive but often have no clear idea what makes a customer loyal.  The most important factor in determining how customers define quality and determine loyalty is how well service staff seem to like their jobs.  Customers want quality and as satisfying, loyalty inspiring customer service journey.  Here’s a simple but effective recipe to make it happen.

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The single most important purpose of this series of seminars is to provide attendees with the necessary tools for achieving the relationship insights that only come with fully developed emotional intelligence.  Though vitally important, intellectual intelligence is a far less accurate predictor of success in life than emotional intelligence.  In other words, if you can’t build positive relationships with people, you’ll be limited in how far knowledge can take you.

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Connecting to a higher power outside of the self helps you withstand the challenges life throws at you. In the midst of turmoil and seeming insurmountable challenge, it’s tremendously relieving to call upon an all-powerful being who, wonder of wonders, loves you and wants nothing but the best for you.

While Stewardship is most commonly associated with proper management of money and property, this program broadens the concept to include stewardship of time, mind and body. Take care of your body in order to have a long and good life. Keep your mind in good working order. Balance your life for time to enjoy and preserve your financial resources to enjoy the benefits of time with a sharp mind and a healthy body. Click on the chart to the left to learn more.

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