Strength Based Personal Development

Lesson 1: Employee Engagement, Money in the Bank

The Results of High Employee Engagement Include 

A Mysterious Conundrum:

Here Are Two Questions for You:

A Few Things to Ponder from Gallop Research:          

So, what is the state of Employee Engagement as of 2021?  

It May, Therefore, Be Fair to Conclude  

What Happens When Employees Become Engaged?

What Drives Employee Engagement?  According to Galop    

These Five Elements are Essential        

Customer Satisfaction, the Key to Success       

Seven Essential Beliefs About Leadership        

Building A Retention Environment to Attract and Keep Good People 

Your Staff Needs Good Reasons to Show Up 

What Are Your Thoughts So Far?

Lesson 2: Discover the Maximum You

Laisr Talent Assessment Tool      

Life Affinities Initiate Situational Responses

Take the Lasir Test 

Four Factors that Drive Your Personality

Hippocrates and Galen Defined Four Basic Personality Approaches, Or Drivers.  

Thumbnail Sketches          

Thumbnail Sketch of the Captain Personality Driver    

Thumbnail Sketch of the Promoter Personality Driver 

Thumbnail Sketch of the Organizer Personality Driver

Thumbnail Sketch of the Perfecter Personality Driver  

Learning from our High and Our Low Scores    

Initial Impressions   

Observations on Our Highest Scoring Driver     

How Do I Feel About People Like Me     

Analyzing Ourselves and People Like Us           

Observations on Our Lowest Scoring Driver      

How Do I Feel About People Who Aren’t Like Me?      

Can Opposites be Advocates?     

Opposites…. Attractions or War….            

Diversity is a Great Organizational Strength        

Defining Diversity   

Which Personality Drivers Can you or your Organization Do Without? 

Lesson 3: Discovering and Owning My Talents

Captain Talent Statements

Promoter Talent Statements         

Organizer Talent Statements        

Perfecter Talent Statements         

Identifying My Most Outstanding Talents

Just When You Thought It was Simple   

You are not one Driver or Another,         

They Interact With Each Other     

You Might Function in Your Dominant Driver Most of The Time,        

But It Is Normal to Utilize Other Drivers, Even Your Weakest Ones  

Lesson 4: Speaking in the Language of the Personalities

Communicating, Selling and the Impact of Personality

Everyone Who Takes to the Stage Is Selling Something:       

There’s Power for the One Who Listens 

Two Things to Remember When Trying to Change Opinions and Behaviors         

Each Personality Driver Has Its Own Way of Getting Things Done  

Understand What Each Individual Needs and Provide for It as Best You Can        

Each Personality Comes with a Unique and Identifiable Language  

Lesson 5: Identifying My Team Strengths

Captain Positive, Talent Based Contributions to Team Efforts           

Promoter Positive, Talent Based Contributions to Team Efforts        

Organizer Positive, Talent Based Contributions to Team Efforts       

Perfecter Positive, Talent Based Contributions to Team Efforts        

Identifying My Most Outstanding Team Contributions 

Lesson 6: When Talents are Weak or Lacking

When Captain Talents are Weak or Lacking     

When Promoter Talents are Weak or Lacking  

When Organizer Talents are Weak or Lacking 

When Perfecter Talents are Weak or Lacking   

Identifying My Least Preferred Team Contributions     

When Strengths Become Weaknesses  

When I Go Too Far with My Captain Strengths

When I Go Too Far with My Promoter Strengths          

When I Go Too Far with My Organizer Strengths         

When I Go Too Far with My Perfecter Strengths          

The Strengths I Most Frequently Use to Excess

How Others Feel About Us When We Overuse Our Strengths.

Lesson 7: Engage with and Enrich Your Current Job or Pastime

Enriching My Current Job and/or Pastime

Lesson 8: Finding a Career that Fits

Would this Be a Good Fit?

Identifying What I Want and Don’t Want in a Career    

Designing My Career and Pastime Does and Don’ts   

Personality and Job Fit      

What Careers and/or Pastimes Might Fit Me Best?      

What do you think so far?  

Lesson 9: Should I Climb Every Talent Mountain?

Options When in a Job or Pastime that Isn’t a Good Fit          

Dealing With a Non-talent 

Developing a Support System      

Altering the Role     

Finding a Complementary Partner           

An Example of a Potentially Strong Complementary Partnership      

Sometimes the Voice You Most Need to Hear Drives You Crazy      

Lesson 10: Dealing with Personality Based Stress

Stressful Situations When Captain Strengths are Weak or Lacking  

Stressful Situations When Promoter Strengths are Weak or Lacking

Stressful Situations When Organizer Strengths are Weak or Lacking          

Stressful Situations When Perfecter Strengths are Weak or Lacking 80

Identifying My Weakness based Sources of Stress      

Stress that Comes When Captain Strengths are Impeded and/or Restricted          

Stress that Comes When Promoter Strengths are Impeded and/or Restricted       

Stress that Comes When Organizer Strengths are Impeded and/or Restricted      

Stress that Comes When Perfecter Strengths are Impeded and/or Restricted        

Identifying My Stress When I Can’t Use My Talents     

Lesson 11: Dealing with Conflict

Captain Conflict Triggers   

Promoter Conflict Triggers

Organizer Conflict Triggers

Perfecter Conflict Triggers 

Identifying My Main Conflict Triggers      

Captain Conflict Strategies

Promoter Conflict Strategies         

Organizer Conflict Strategies        

Perfecter Conflict Strategies         

Identifying My Main Conflict Strategies   

Captain Conflict Excesses

Promoter Conflict Excesses          

Organizer Conflict Excesses        

Perfecter Conflict Excesses          

Identifying My Main Conflict Excesses   

Lesson 12: Personality and Motivation

Captain Motivating Strategies       

Promoter Motivating Strategies    

Organizer Motivating Strategies   

Perfecter Motivating Strategies    

Identifying My Most Effective Motivators 

Lesson 13: Certain Actions Will Demotivate Me

Captain De-Motivators       

Promoter De-Motivators     

Organizer De-Motivators    

Perfecter De-Motivators     

Actions My Supervisor May Take That Will Demotivate Me    

pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lesson 14: Situations Can Affect Our Responses

Lesson 15: The Vital Importance of Emotional Intelligence

A Brief Overview from Daniel Goleman  

Emotional Intelligence, the Greatest Predictor of Success     

The Big Idea: Your Attitudes Control Your Ability to Manage Opportunity and Adversity  

The Big Idea: Control Your Emotions or They Will Control You: If you manage your emotions and those of others around you, everyone benefits 

The Big Idea: Don’t Let Your Emotions Build Self-limiting Walls       

The Big Idea: Convert Negative Emotions to Positive Energy:           

Introducing Your Internal Critic, Survivor

Now, Meet Your Internal Advocate, Thriver       

Survivor’s 10 Henchmen, the Detractors

Let’s Learn More About Thriver    

How Thriver Deals with Survivor  

What Have You Learned from Survivor and Thriver?   

Meeting the Emotional Needs of Your Personality Drivers      

Clarifying My Most Important Emotional Needs

Lesson 16: Eight Steps to Maximum Productivity

Thoughts on Step Two:  Prioritize and Downsize         

Thoughts on Step Three:  Give Each Project Single Focus Quality Time     

Thoughts on Step Four:  Make Productivity a Habit     

Thoughts on Step Five:  Take Action When You Feel Most Energized        

Thoughts on Step Six:  Do What You’re Good at and Enjoy.  Then, Delegate the Rest    

Thoughts on Step Seven:  If You Can’t Do What You Love, Learn to Love What You Do

Thoughts on Step Eight:  Persist.  Never Give Up        

Doing What’s Best In Every Area of Your Life   


Lesson 17: Poor Leadership is Expensive

The Costs of Poor Leadership Can Be as High as 7% of Revenue  

According to Gallop, Poor Leadership Impacts in Ten Areas 

10 Positive Results of Good Leadership

There are four critical steps           

Putting a Number to the Costs of Poor Leadership.

Lesson 18: Analyzing My Leadership Style

Captain Leadership Strengths      

Promoter Leadership Strengths   

Organizer Leadership Strengths  

Perfecter Leadership Strengths   

Identifying My Personality Based Leadership Strengths         

When Captain Leadership Strengths are Taken to Excess     

When Promoter Leadership Strengths are Taken to Excess  

When Organizer Leadership Strengths are Taken to Excess 

When Perfecter Leadership Strengths are Taken to Excess  

Identifying The Leadership Strengths I Most Often Use To Excess  

Leadership Weaknesses When Captain is Low

Leadership Weaknesses When Promoter is Low         

Leadership Weaknesses When Organizer is Low        

Leadership Weaknesses When Perfecter is Low          

Identifying My Most Troublesome Leadership Weaknesses   

A One Page Picture of Me 

Captain Expectations from Team Members       

Promoter Expectations from Team Members    

Organizer Expectations from Team Members   

Perfecter Expectations from Team Members     

Identifying My Expectations for My Team           

The Two Sides of Leadership: Inspirational and Operational 

Personality Based Leadership Strategies           

Observations on Your Leadership Style 

The Situational Nature of Leadership     

How Your Personality Mix Impacts Your Behavior In Specific Life Situations